We recognise that there are other parts of our county that have equal challenges in recruiting GPs and other members of staff so we would like to invite you to a daylong workshop where we can consider what the ICB & partners can do to help the situation as well as how individual practices can best place themselves to attract new staff. We will be hearing from colleagues across the UK who have faced similar challenges as well as looking at what we have learned from putting the current campaign together.
The morning will focus on Practice Managers as well as ICB staff and other partners looking at what the system could/should provide for primary care recruitment. The afternoon sessions will benefit from GPs attending as well when we look at how to make jobs attractive. If any GP wants to join us in the morning as well, they are more than welcome.
We hope you will leave this day with more ideas for recruiting staff and a clearer link into the wider network that can help. We look forward to sharing this day with you.
Wednesday 8 March, 9am-4:30pm. Ashford International Hotel.
Register for your place: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/recruitment-in-primary-care-tickets-541117867107