A new opportunity - Kent and Medway ‘Menopause Friendly Accreditation’ programme
NHS Kent and Medway are bringing together health and care organisations in Kent and Medway to become a menopause friendly integrated care system and we are inviting groups of GP practices to consider if they wish to become accredited as part of the programme. ‘Menopause Friendly accreditation’ is a well-recognised national standard of achievement. Kent and Medway ICB will be paying the accreditation fees and the only cost to practices will be the resources required to implement best practice and evidence it. Please see the attached checklist to help you understand what ‘best practice’ looks like.
With menopausal women being the fast-growing workforce demographic in the UK, improving menopause support for staff is the right thing to do as part of a wider inclusive health and wellbeing culture and, if that’s not enough, it can help your organisation’s performance and financial bottom line too, assisting with recruitment and retention.
What support will you get?
The Menopause Friendly accreditation programme will help practices achieve best practice by providing everything needed to become a ‘menopause friendly employer’ in one place. Support includes:
- ready-made resources, top tips, case studies and communications, taking people through the roadmap to success;
- access to outstanding educational and outcome based workshops;
- monthly peer support group within K&M ICS to share local resources, answer questions and plan joint initiatives;
- submission of evidence as part of an application to the accreditation panel on your behalf.
What is the commitment?
Practices will be required to gather evidence of what already exists within their organisations and to address any gaps that are identified (please see best practice checklist attached). You will need to commit to delivering this evidence according to an agreed timetable.
We also require:
- A lead contact to work with for the duration of the programme;
- A representative to attend monthly KM ICS peer support group meetings, unless agreed otherwise;
- Senior level support, and sign off, to the programme.
If you are interested, have any questions or would like to learn more please get in touch.